Area Men's Fellowship - Lane Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Lane Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Scrapbook/Crafts Retreat #1
to Apr 13

Scrapbook/Crafts Retreat #1

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp and Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enjoy a weekend where you can work on your craft. This retreat has a variety of crafts i.e. Scrapbooking, Quilting, Jewelry, Yarn Work, Cross Stitching, Etc. Starting this spring, the scrapbook and craft retreat will have an optional chapel service on Friday and Saturday after brunch in Self-Control. On Sunday you will be able to worship the Lord and participate in communion. Go to to register today!

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Nurse Retreat
to May 3

Nurse Retreat

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you a nurse that needs to take a deep breath and pause? Little Galilee will be hosting a retreat just for you. Join us for a weekend of fellowship, spiritual rest, and relaxation. You won’t want to miss it! Head over to to register under the 2025 Retreat Season. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday.

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Area Men's Fellowship - Little Galilee Christian Camp

Area Men's Fellowship - Little Galilee Christian Camp

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Euchre Night

Euchre Night

Come have a fun night of Euchre play. Dinner starts at 5:30pm and game play starts at 6:00pm. Bring your friends and come have a great time!

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Annual Celebration

Annual Celebration

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to attend the Annual Celebration at Little Galilee Christian Camp on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 5:30 pm in Self-Control. This year's celebration will consist of highlighting the past year as well as looking forward to the future. We will give updates on the new building project, summer camp, retreats, and finances. We will serve a delicious meal and the night will end around 7:30pm. Two representatives from each supporting church make up our "General Board" in order to affirm our 2025 executive board officers and budget. We hope you can attend and be a part of what God is doing at Little Galilee in 2025! Call the camp office at 217-935-3809 to secure your spot.

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Area Men's Fellowship - Le Roy Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Le Roy Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Junior High Winter Retreat
to Feb 16

Junior High Winter Retreat

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

God calls us to surrender our past, present, and future. He calls us to surrender our minds and bodies. He calls us to live as a people set apart in the world and to live as He has demonstrated. He has called us to totally surrender ourselves to Him in every possible way.

During this weekend retreat, campers will be called to do more than study the Bible or listen to four sessions of speakers. They will be challenged to live a life devoted to God and totally surrender to His will and ways. Sin is all about control, but the Christian life is all about surrender. Total surrender. Throughout the weekend, the campers see a clear presentation of the Gospel, along with an emphasis on what it really means to give their lives to Christ. We at Little Galilee don’t want our campers to fall under the burden of being their own god. Will you come experience Total Surrender this February?

The cost for the Junior High Winter Retreat is $60.

Head over to to register. REGISTER TODAY!

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Euchre Night

Euchre Night

Come have a fun night of Euchre play. Dinner starts at 5:30pm and game play starts at 6:00pm. Bring your friends and come have a great time!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Heyworth Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Heyworth Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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4th-5th Grade Winter Retreat
to Feb 1

4th-5th Grade Winter Retreat

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

God calls us to surrender our past, present, and future. He calls us to surrender our minds and bodies. He calls us to live as a people set apart in the world and to live as He has demonstrated. He has called us to totally surrender ourselves to Him in every possible way.

During this 22 hour event, campers will be called to do more than study the Bible or listen to four sessions of speakers. They will be challenged to live a life devoted to God and totally surrender to His will and ways. Sin is all about control, but the Christian life is all about surrender. Total surrender. Throughout the experience, the campers see a clear presentation of the Gospel, along with an emphasis on what it really means to give their lives to Christ. We at Little Galilee don’t want our campers to fall under the burden of being their own god. Will you come experience Total Surrender this January/February?

The cost for the 4th-5th Grade Winter Retreat is $40.

Head over to to register. REGISTER TODAY!

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1st-3rd Grade Winter Retreat
to Feb 1

1st-3rd Grade Winter Retreat

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

God calls us to surrender our past, present, and future. He calls us to surrender our minds and bodies. He calls us to live as a people set apart in the world and to live as He has demonstrated. He has called us to totally surrender ourselves to Him in every possible way.

During this 22 hour event, campers will be called to do more than study the Bible or listen to four sessions of speakers. They will be challenged to live a life devoted to God and totally surrender to His will and ways. Sin is all about control, but the Christian life is all about surrender. Total surrender. Throughout the experience, the campers see a clear presentation of the Gospel, along with an emphasis on what it really means to give their lives to Christ. We at Little Galilee don’t want our campers to fall under the burden of being their own god. Will you come experience Total Surrender this January/February?

The cost for the 1st-3rd Grade Winter Retreat is $40.

Head over to to register. REGISTER TODAY!

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High School Winter Retreat
to Jan 19

High School Winter Retreat

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

God calls us to surrender our past, present, and future. He calls us to surrender our minds and bodies. He calls us to live as a people set apart in the world and to live as He has demonstrated. He has called us to totally surrender ourselves to Him in every possible way.

During this weekend retreat, campers will be called to do more than study the Bible or listen to four sessions of speakers. They will be challenged to live a life devoted to God and totally surrender to His will and ways. Sin is all about control, but the Christian life is all about surrender. Total surrender. Throughout the weekend, the campers see a clear presentation of the Gospel, along with an emphasis on what it really means to give their lives to Christ. We at Little Galilee don’t want our campers to fall under the burden of being their own god. Will you come experience Total Surrender this January?

The cost for the High School Winter Retreat is $60.

Head over to to register. REGISTER TODAY!

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Euchre Night

Euchre Night

Come have a fun night of Euchre play. Dinner starts at 5:30pm and game play starts at 6:00pm. Bring your friends and come have a great time!

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Area Men's Fellowship - FCC Clinton

Area Men's Fellowship - FCC Clinton

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Midnight Madness
to Jan 1

Midnight Madness

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As we approach the end of the year, we want to tell you how excited we are about one of our favorite upcoming events - Midnight Madness!!!! This year’s event will be a JUNIOR HIGH ONLY event. This years theme is all about NEON. There will be a video game trailer, bouncy boxing, and roller skating. Midnight Madness starts at 6:30pm on December 31 and ends at 8:30am on January 1. See you there!

Click HERE to register today!

Cost is $40

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Christmas at Camp

Christmas at Camp

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kick off the Christmas season with your family at Christmas At Camp. Bring your family, bring your neighbors, bring your friends. You will have opportunities to connect with your family, eat dinner, and Christmas worship with your family, Details for the event will come soon.

Come to the Activity Center for a fun kick off to your Christmas season.

This will be a FREE event with donations appreciated.


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Area Men's Fellowship - Kenney Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Kenney Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Veterans Dinner

Veterans Dinner

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come enjoy a free meal and a program the evening of Veterans Day. We want to give a special thanks to the men and women who have served our country and defended our freedom. Bring your spouse for this great event. Please call the camp office at 217-935-3809 to reserve your spot today!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Texas Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Texas Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Ladies Day

Ladies Day

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is discipleship and what does it look like in your life and the lives that you love around you? Dig into this theme during Ladies Day 2024. Jenny Camfied, adult ministry director, from Broadway Christian Church in Mattoon, IL will be leading this great one day event for all of the ladies in the Little Galilee area. Get a group of girlfriends together and head over to Little Galilee on Saturday October 5 for a day of food, fun, fellowship and taking intentional steps toward Jesus.

This event takes place in Self-Control on the campus of Little Galilee. The cost is only $20. Click HERE to register today.

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Senior Saints Day

Senior Saints Day

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We would love for you to join us as we hear from guest speaker Dr. David Faust, author and former Cincinnati Bible College president. We will also have special music provided by Heaven bound quartet and blue grass band, His Strings. A light breakfast and Lunch will be provided. You will also hear from Gabe Rutledge, Camp Director, about the great summer camp season and the exiciting future at Little Galilee. A special offering will be taken for the next Larger vision project. Dr. david faust will also have books available for sale.

This fun filled day will happen in Self-Control on the campus of Little Galilee Christian Camp and Retreat Center. The cost for the day is only $20. Click HERE to register today!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Saybrook Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Saybrook Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Area Men's Fellowship - College Park Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - College Park Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Area Men's Fellowship - JeffStreet Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - JeffStreet Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Maroa Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Maroa Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Wapella Christian Church

Area Men's Fellowship - Wapella Christian Church

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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2024 Moweaqua Golf Outing

2024 Moweaqua Golf Outing

Get your foursome together to play in this 4 person best-ball scramble. The cost is $75 per player or $300 for your team of 4. Tee time is 8am sharp. Your entry fee covers your green fee, cart, prizes, lunch and a tax deductible gift. 100% of the proceeds goes to support Little Galilee Christian Camp and Retreat Center. Call the camp office at 217-935-3809 to register today. Space is limited. Register today!

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Area Men's Fellowship - Little Galilee Christian Camp

Area Men's Fellowship - Little Galilee Christian Camp

  • Little Galilee Christian Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling all Area Men! The Area Men's Fellowship meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month. We open with prayer followed by a delicious meal and a devotion time which will be led by that prospective month's minister. After the devotion, an update is given about Little Galilee and the specific project the Area Men’s Fellowship is in charge of. The Little Galilee Area Men’s Fellowship is a group that has faithfully met for 68 years for the purpose of fellowship, preaching, and offering in support of Little Galilee. We hope to see you there!

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